Girls Varsity Basketball game for tonight, January 7th, at Williston Trinity Christian, has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 9th, at 6pm. There will be practice from 4:30pm-6:30pm at Williston Trinity Christian, bus will leave after school.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
As we prepare to return to school, this is a friendly reminder that students may bring a sled to school. Below are the guidelines for sleds & their use at school. 1. Sleds must be labeled with the student's name. 2. Sleds are stored outside in an unlocked stand, the school is not responsible for sleds. 3. Sleds must not contain any metal. 4. Sleds must be one for sledding; no baby sleds, calf sleds, or one with sides higher than 3" 4. No jumps, trains or ramps 5. Only 1-3 students per sled 6. Adults on duty will use discretion to enforce safety for all.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Faller
High school students will receive an updated schedule for semester 2 in their first hour class on Monday, January 6th. Students should report to the classes as listed: grade 12 - Mrs. Skurupey grade 11 - Miss Brummond grade 10 - Mr. Mrachek grade 9 - Mrs. Hall grade 8 - Mrs. Heck grade 7 - Miss Gaida
over 4 years ago, Shannon Faller
Pee-wee wrestling begins this Monday, January 6th. In order to participate, each wrestler must be registered. Parents may register their child at
over 4 years ago, AJ Allard
School Board Vacancy Alexander School Board is accepting applications through January 13, 2020. If interested, please stop in at the school and pick up a form. The form must be returned to Business Manager, Barb Fixen, by January 13th at 4:00p.m.
over 4 years ago, Leslie Bieber
JH boys basketball practice will be from 10 am - noon both tomorrow, Thursday Jan 2nd and Friday Jan 3rd.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Reminder that Alexander Basketball Clothing is available to purchase online at Deadline is January 6th. Contact the office with any questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Alexander Comets
December Comet News is now available on our website and app.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Hunter Safety registration is now closed as both classes are full.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Attendance is essential to student success. Students at Alexander School are allotted 15 days of absences (excused & unexcused). Students who miss due to doctor's appointments are asked to bring a doctor's note so that those absences do not count in the 15 days of absences. We do this to encourage parents to seek the treatment their children need. Excused and unexcused absences are differentiated by a phone call from parents or guardians. High school students who miss more than the allotted 15 days are in danger of losing credit for graduation and elementary students who miss more than 15 days risk being retained due to missing essential instructional time. Administration will consider special circumstances with communication from parents/guardians. Please be sure to call or send a note when your child will not be in school, without notification students will be marked unexcused and have to make up that missed time. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter because your children being in school is important. Your input is needed in regard to next year's school calendar. Please take the survey using the link below. You can also find the link on our app, social media, and website.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Faller
Alexander Basketball Clothing is now available to purchase online at Deadline is January 6th. Contact the front office with any questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Before and after the Christmas Concert there be Comet Clothing, FFA Annual Pie Sale and Candy Canes for purchase.
over 4 years ago, Alex Bieber
Christmas Concert for grades Preschool-12 is tomorrow, December 19th at 6:30pm. Students are asked to be here by 6:15pm, elementary report to their classrooms and high school on the reserved bleachers. Parent seating will be on the chairs this year with extra seating on the bleachers that are not reserved.
over 4 years ago, Alex Bieber
Christmas Tree
The basketball game this evening will be in the old gym. Please enter thru main doors.Good Luck Comets!
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Hunter Safety sign up deadline is this Friday, December 20th. Please remember you have to sign up online and in the office to know which section your student will be in.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
As we end our fall semester, this is a friendly reminder that parents are not allowed to escort students to their classes. Younger elementary students can be escorted by office staff to their classes, if necessary. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
over 4 years ago, Shannon Faller
Catch the boys basketball game tonight on the, 1090 AM, 92.7 FM or the KTGO app. Go Comets!!!
over 4 years ago, Shannon Faller
MENU CHANGE FOR NEXT WEEK- December 16th-December 20th. Changes can be found under our menu header on website and app.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
Boys basketball (grades 7-12) will depart for Tioga on Friday at 3:45. They will then depart for Divide County at 12:30 on Saturday.
over 4 years ago, AJ Allard
Student Council recently returned from the North Dakota Association of Student Council's annual state convention in Bismarck. The convention engages students with motivational speakers, elections for state offices, mini break out sessions where students are engaged in discussions on various topics that affect them and their schools, and collaboration with student leaders across the state. Breanna Schooley was one of 12 students from across the state that ran for the state office of president. Schooley was required to complete a campaign video, speech, and poster. She then actively campaigned at the convention to earn votes. While she didn't win, we are very proud of her efforts. Schooley truly shows what it is to be a student leader and is an asset to Alexander School. Way to go Breanna! Student Council has some exciting events coming up: A Winter Formal Dance and winter activities for January. A blood drive in the spring Pennies for Patients, which raises money for local blood cancer patients.
over 4 years ago, Alexander Public School
2019 Student Council